Euractiv | 18-mai-2022
Davantage d’États membres de l’Union européenne ont manifesté leur impatience à l’égard de la réforme en cours du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie qui entrave les efforts visant à éliminer les combustibles fossiles.
Euractiv | 17-mai-2022
More European Union countries have shown signs of impatience with the ongoing reform of the Energy Charter Treaty, which critics say impedes efforts to phase out fossil fuels, according to leaked diplomatic cables.
CNCD 11.11.11 | 12-mai-2022
Du 16 au 20 mai 2022 a lieu le dernier cycle de négociations sur la modernisation du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie (TCE) avant la Conférence ministérielle ad hoc du 24 juin, où l’objectif sera de conclure un accord politique sur la réforme en cours.
Client Earth | 27-avr-2022
Withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is the only realistic way for the European Union to fix the outdated treaty’s incompatibility with the EU’s own laws, a new in-depth legal study has found.
AFTINET | 6-avr-2022
For the first time, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that climate action is being jeopardised by trade agreements which give global corporations the right to sue governments.
Ecologistas en Acción | 5-avr-2022
El informe recoge como el mecanismo de solución de controversias entre inversores y Estados (ISDS, por sus siglas en inglés) es un gran obstáculo para las medidas de mitigación climática.
EU Observer | 24-mar-2022
Environmentalists and energy experts have been warning for years over an obscure trade deal that could lock Europe into decades of fossil fuel use.
Both Ends | 4-mar-2022
From a climate perspective, the expected reform outcome is a failure. No Contracting Party will end investment protection for fossil fuels in a timeline that is necessary to align with the Paris Agreement.
Most Favoured Nation | 11-fév-2022
When Brexit meets ISDS meets the ECJ, happiness ensues.
Climate Home News | 26-jan-2022
Campaigners say the UK and Switzerland are defending fossil fuel interests in Energy Charter Treaty modernisation talks to tempt firms to relocate their HQs.