Gran Bretaña
Daily Nation | 24-abr-2018
The government risks losing up to Sh500 billion in an international arbitration case against mining firm, Cortec, after it failed to provide Sh100 million in the second mini-budget to pay a UK-based law firm representing it in the case.
Live Mint | 14-mar-2018
Under international arbitration proceedings the final hearing of Cairn’s claim under the UK-India Bilateral Investment Treaty is scheduled for August 2018 in The Hague.
La Tribune Afrique | 9-feb-2018
Plusieurs sociétés minières internationales réclament 3,3 milliards de dollars au Kenya auprès du Centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements.
Business Daily | 8-feb-2018
Global mining firms want Kenya compelled to pay Sh334 billion as compensation for cancelling their licences.
Money Control | 24-ene-2018
Cairn commenced international arbitration proceedings against India under the UK—India Bilateral Investment Treaty in 2015.
Economic Times | 19-ene-2018
The government has opposed Vodafone Group’s proposal to merge its two arbitration cases against India, and sought an injunction from Delhi High Court to stop the telco from proceeding with the second arbitration filed in the UK, saying it was an "abusive action".
Economic Times | 9-ene-2018
Vodafone Group has said it would agree to consolidate its two international arbitrations initiated against India in connection with a tax demand of ₹11,000 crore, if the country were to agree as well.
Steel Guru | 21-dic-2017
A British investment group has demanded USD 500 million from Russia and accused the country of state-sponsored corporate theft in a battle for control of a Siberian coal mine.
Reuters | 14-dic-2017
India’s top court allowed Britain’s Vodafone to initiate a second arbitration process under an India-UK investment pact .
Bloomberg | 15-nov-2017
An international arbitration tribunal in February will begin trial on Vodafone’s challenge to India using a retrospective legislation to seek Rs 22,100 crore in taxes.