The Lever | 9-Jun-2022
Oil and gas investors are using investor-state dispute settlement to successfully argue that climate policies are cutting into their profits.
Bon Pote | 8-Jun-2022
Le traité sur la Charte de l’énergie est un accord multilatéral qui permet aux investisseurs étrangers d’exiger jusqu’à plusieurs milliards d’euros des Etats en compensation de l’impact négatif de changements de législation.
CIAR Global | 7-Jun-2022
En un Amicus Brief presentado por la Comisión Europea el 31 de mayo ante un tribunal estadounidense, el órgano europeo argumenta que el laudo dictado contra España viola la legislación de los 27.
TNI | 2-Jun-2022
How financial investors, law firms and arbitrators are profiting from the investment arbitration boom in Spain.
Global Justice Now | 23-May-2022
UK government urged to exit controversial Energy Charter Treaty, dubbed ‘the fossil fuel industry’s secret weapon’.
Salisbury Journal | 19-May-2022
Protestors will be gathering to march to the Rockhopper Exploration headquarters. The company is suing the Italian government for £236 million due to its refusal to allow oil drilling off the Adriatic Coast.
Brig Newspaper | 19-May-2022
Global Justice Stirling is holding a rally against corporate courts in front of Buchanan Galleries in Glasgow.
Forbes | 19-May-2022
Talos presentó en septiembre al gobierno mexicano notificaciones de disputa en virtud del acuerdo comercial entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadá (T-MEC), un paso previo a la introducción de un reclamo de arbitraje internacional.
Reuters | 18-May-2022
US-based oil producer Talos Energy has temporarily suspended pursuit of an arbitration claim against Mexico amid high-level talks over one of the country’s flagship offshore projects.