Business News | 21-Jan-2025
L’entreprise italienne La Minerali Industriali Srl, spécialisée dans l’extraction de sable, se dirige vers l’arbitrage international contre l’État tunisien.
CDR | 9-Jan-2025
Minerali Industriali is taking action under the Italy-Tunisia bilateral investment treaty for alleged mistreatment related to its sand mining and processing business.
UCL Press | 17-Nov-2023
The Energy Charter Treaty can be deployed to expand the fossil fuel industry’s rights and contextually counter democratic forces that animate the ecological transition.
Proactive | 13-Jul-2023
The latest development was a decision on 11 July to lift a provisional stay of enforcement.
energy-pedia | 26-Apr-2023
Tribunal orders Rockhopper & Italy to mitigate the risk of non-recoupment by Italy with the anticipation of the Stay being lifted.
Balkan Insight | 14-Apr-2023
Premier Edi Rama reacted angrily to a decision by a World Bank-funded international arbitration body to grant around 110 million euros in compensation to an Italian businessman who claimed he was politically persecuted in Albania.
EJIL: Talk! | 23-Jan-2023
The way in which the reasoning of the Rockhopper award expels any environmental considerations has the effect of making climate change interventions considerably more costly
Upstream | 2-Nov-2022
UK-based Rockhopper Exploration has been dealt a blow in its protracted legal battle with Italy with the European nation applying to the ICSID to annul the €190 million payment it was ordered to make.
Stop CETA Mercosur | 7-Sep-2022
En vertu du très controversé Traité sur la charte de l’énergie, l’État italien vient d’être condamné à verser 190 millions d’euros, plus les intérêts, à la société pétrolière britannique Rockhopper.
Ecologistas en Acción | 29-Aug-2022
Un tribunal arbitral ha decidido que Italia deberá pagar más de 190 millones de euros a la compañía británica Rockhopper Exploration por la denegación de un permiso para construir una plataforma petrolífera.