ECT’s Dirty Secrets | 9-Dec-2019
We – 278 environmental, climate, consumer, development, and trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – believe that the ECT is incompatible with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
CIAR Global | 6-Dec-2019
El pasado 2 de diciembre, el tribunal del arbitraje Stadtwerke München y otros contra España emitió su laudo favorable para España. Se trata del primer arbitraje relacionado con las reformas energéticas de las energías renovables que gana el país en el CIADI.
GTM | 5-Dec-2019
Spain has offered an olive branch in its long-running legal battle with renewables developers. But the fight isn’t over yet.
New Indian Express | 2-Dec-2019
Reports claimed that foreign investors threatened to drag Andhra Pradesh to international arbitration for ‘cancelling’ renewable power purchase agreements.
IISD | 27-Nov-2019
An ICSID tribunal ordered Spain to pay two Dutch investors EUR 290.6 million in compensation for its breach of the FET standard under ECT
Reuters | 27-Nov-2019
The government will offer subsidies which will allow investors that abandon litigation to maintain their current profitability rate of 7.39% until 2031.
IISD | 27-Nov-2019
Un tribunal del CIADI ordenó a España que pague EUR 290,6 millones a dos inversores holandeses.
IISD | 26-Nov-2019
Un tribunal du CIRDI a ordonné à l’Espagne de verser 290,6 millions d’euros à deux investisseurs néerlandais.
IISD | 26-Nov-2019
An ICSID tribunal held that Spain violated Fair and Equitable Treatment under the Energy Charter Treaty.
IISD | 26-Nov-2019
Un tribunal del CIADI dictaminó que España violó el trato justo y equitativo bajo el Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía.