The Reporter | 11-Oct-2017
Karuturi could sue the government of Ethiopia at international tribunals on the basis of violations of the Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement India and Ethiopia have signed on.
TVC | 11-Oct-2017
The Economic Community of West African States has called for the creation of a Regional Arbitration Forum as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism to boost its economic potentials.
Sun Daily | 11-Oct-2017
A group of major shareholders in dismantled Russian oil giant Yukos announced they were giving up their efforts to seize lucrative state assets as compensation in France following a series of legal setbacks.
IELP Blog | 11-Oct-2017
US ISDS proposal in NAFTA would cut fair and equitable treatment and indirect expropriation.
CIAR Global | 10-Oct-2017
El arbitraje se inició ante la negativa de Cofide a brindar la financiación necesaria a la minera para continuar con la explotación del proyecto de la mina de oro Bandera Ollachea.
CIAR Global | 10-Oct-2017
Nicolás Boeglin contesta a nuestras preguntas y nos acerca, de manera crítica, al actual momento que vive el arbitraje de inversiones en el entorno latinoamericano.
Maghreb Emergent | 9-Oct-2017
Le Cirdi, relevant de la Banque Mondiale, a annoncé récemment qu’il allait constituer un comité ad hoc pour statuer sur un recours introduit par Orascom TMT.
Lexology | 6-Oct-2017
This article will focus on SOEs acting as claimants with a brief contextual examination of their role as ‘respondents’ to support the conclusion that SOEs will always have standing as claimants under ICSID.
PR Newswire | 6-Oct-2017
Hellenic Republic is found liable towards Hellenic Shipyards for more than 200 million Euros at the ICC while shareholders are pursuing the Hellenic Republic at the ICSID pursuant to the relevant Bilateral Investment Treaty.
PR Newswire | 6-Oct-2017
La CCI condamne la République Grecque à payer à Hellenic Shipyards plus de 200 millions d’euros tandis qu’un arbitrage devant le CIRDI sur la base du Traité bilatéral d’investissement applicable est en cours.