Economy Watch | 29-Mar-2016
Chinese officials announced that a US-China bilateral investment treaty (BIT) is close to being signed.
Basta! | 29-Mar-2016
Voici venu le temps de la spéculation sur les plaintes que déposent des investisseurs contre des Etats en cas de conflit commercial ou fiscal.
La Verdad | 28-Mar-2016
Probablemente nunca hayan oído hablar del TTIP, el tratado comercial más importante de nuestra historia que actualmente se está negociando entre EEUU y la Unión Europea.
El Diario | 28-Mar-2016
El decano del Colegio de la Abogacía en Barcelona proclama que tratados como el TTIP o el TiSA “debilitan” la profesión ante los “nuevos comercios mercantiles”
The Conversation | 25-Mar-2016
Bilateral investment treaties have been a source of political controversy in recent years. This is clear from the alarming increase in the number of disputes between investors and governments.
Both Ends | 22-Mar-2016
On the need to create sound policy frameworks for investment.
Basta! | 21-Mar-2016
Plusieurs de ces « arbitres » sont critiqués pour leur manque d’impartialité et leurs décisions très souvent favorables aux investisseurs privés, infligeant des amendes de plusieurs milliards de dollars à des Etats au budget limité.
AIDA | 18-Mar-2016
High-altitude wetlands that provide drinking water to more than two million people could become one of the world’s biggest gold and silver mines.
IISD | 17-Mar-2016
Does the agreement reflect 21st century needs and standards?
Earth Institute | 17-Mar-2016
A new report from the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment explores the dilemmas posed by land investments under international investment treaties and human rights law.