reformed ISDS
CIEL | 5-Dec-2017
A new report released today warns that the European Commission’s proposed Multilateral Investment Court threatens to lock in an undemocratic investor-state dispute settlement scheme that undermines national democratic authority.
No al TTIP | 4-Dec-2017
Un Tribunal Mundial para las Corporaciones: los planes de la Unión Europea para expandir e institucionalizar las disputas entre inversores y Estados.
No al TTIP | 1-Dec-2017
La Comisión Europea está presionando para la creación de un Tribunal Multilateral de Inversiones (MIC, por sus siglas en inglés) incluso mediante la tergiversación de los resultados de la consulta que llevó a cabo a principios de año.
El Salto Diario | 1-Dec-2017
El Parlamento Europeo discutió ayer sobre la creación de una nueva corte para el arbitraje con inversores que avanza en la línea de los polémicos ISDS: más capacidad de las multinacionales para intervenir y sortear políticas públicas.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 28-Nov-2017
Ten reasons why the EU’s proposal for a Multilateral Investment Court doesn’t fix a fundamentally flawed system.
Tech Dirt | 21-Nov-2017
The MIC would be able to create what amount to global laws, without any democratic input or scrutiny.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 16-Nov-2017
English translation of the German Association of Judges opinion on the proposal for the Multilateral Investment Court system (MIC).
IELP Blog | 13-Nov-2017
New Zealand’s new Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is on the record as stating that investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) must not be a part of any future trade agreements signed by New Zealand.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 7-Nov-2017
2018 seems a crucial year for both opponents and proponents of investor-state arbitration to make their respective cases to maintain, reform, or abandon today’s ISDS system.
Newsroom | 3-Nov-2017
The Government is enlisting its ambassadors in a last-minute bid to win changes to the TPP’s controversial investment clauses, Trade and Export Growth Minister David Parker says.