Counterpunch | 8-jui-2016
CETA, like its cousins TTP and TTIP, would cement into place the right of multi-national corporations to dictate to governments without any democratic input.
ISDS Blog | 24-jui-2016
The claimant in this case was Mesa Power Group LLC, a U.S. corporation that oversees and develops renewable energy projects, notably in the wind sector.
El Salmón Contracorriente | 22-jui-2016
Ayer se celebró en Madrid un debate con representación de los 4 partidos políticos mayoritarios para hablar sobre la posición de sus partidos frente a los tratados de libre comercio, como el TTIP, CETA y TISA, que Europa está negociando con Estados Unidos y Canadá
CCPA | 15-jui-2016
This study examines the special privileges, enforced through investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), which would be given to foreign investors under the TPP.
Stock Market Wire | 13-jui-2016
Global Telecom Holding has announced that it submitted a formal request for arbitration over actions taken by the Canadian Government against GTH and its subsidiaries in relation to GTH’s investment in Wind Mobile.
TTIP Free Zones Europe | 9-jui-2016
Aristoteli joined a growing movement of local authorities opposed to CETA and TTIP to deny the building of a polluter’s paradise
Le Monde | 8-jui-2016
Sans s’opposer à l’accord commercial sur le principe, les députés luxembourgeois ne se satisfont pas des modifications apportées en février par les négociateurs au chapitre d’arbitrage.
The Chronicle Herald | 8-jui-2016
The environmental lobby is going to bat for the federal and provincial governments against international big business in a $101-million argument.
Le Devoir | 7-jui-2016
Les négociateurs canadiens ont donné de grands avantages aux multinationales du Web, ce qui risque d’avoir des conséquences fâcheuses sur notre production et de limiter la diversité culturelle.
Market Watch | 3-jui-2016
The Permanent Court of Arbitration awarded the Company damages of US$19,447,498, plus pre- and post-award interest.