The European Union will withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, an international agreement that protects investments in coal and oil. But Switzerland is sticking to the agreement which scientists considered incompatible with climate goals.
TC Énergie et son projet d’oléoduc Keystone XL ont subi un coup dur après une décision du tribunal qui a rejeté sa demande de réclamation de 15 milliards de dollars américains en dommages et intérêts.
The EU has taken the final step to exit the Energy Charter Treaty; the Union and its Member States have also reached a formal agreement to put an end to the continuation of intra-EU arbitration proceedings under the ECT.
Près de 114 milliards de dollars, c’est la somme totale que des tribunaux d’arbitrage ont fait payer par des États à des entreprises privées à ce jour.
More than $100bn of public money has been awarded to private investors in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) courts, according to the most comprehensive analysis yet.