CIAR Global | 24-Apr-2023
El Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP) de Chile y las concesionarias francesas ADP International y Vinci Airports de las obras de renovación, expansión y operación del aeropuerto de Santiago “Nuevo Pudahuel” han llegado a un acuerdo de pago para finalizar una de las controversias principales que mantienen por retraso en el proyecto.
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre | 12-Sep-2022
Now the Covid-19 pandemic is no longer in the headlines in many parts of the world, the risk corporations will use investment treaties to claim compensation from governments to cover their losses during these exceptional times is increasing.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 21-Apr-2022
ISDS in Latin America is here to stay. While disputes in sectors such as pensions and telecoms are becoming more common in the region, we expect to see a ripening of COVID-related, tech and energy disputes.
IISD | 23-Dec-2021
Les discussions sur une décision sur les ADPIC en lien avec la Covid-19 et visant à accélérer la production et la distribution équitable de vaccins et de médicaments se poursuivent mais les accords d’investissement en sont absents.
IISD | 23-Dec-2021
Talks on a possible COVID-19-related TRIPS decision aimed at scaling up vaccine and therapeutics production and equitable distribution continue but investment agreements are absent from them.
IA Reporter | 24-Aug-2021
Deux sociétés aéroportuaires françaises, Aéroports de Paris (ADP) et Vinci Airports, ont engagé une procédure d’arbitrage contre le Chili, en invoquant le traité bilatéral d’investissement (TBI) Chili-France.
The Ecologist | 19-Aug-2021
Tackling trade and investment agreements must be an essential step in achieving justice-oriented action on climate change, health inequities and economic injustice.
Cooperativa | 18-Aug-2021
ADP y Vinci recurrieron al CIADI para resolver su disputa con Chile sobre la disminución del tráfico aéreo y de las actividades comerciales, así como el perjuicio que les habrían causado las restricciones sanitarias, producto del Covid-19.
IA Reporter | 17-Aug-2021
Two French airport companies, Aeroports de Paris (ADP) and Vinci Airports, have initiated treaty-based arbitration proceedings against Chile, invoking the Chile-France bilateral investment treaty (BIT).