Bloomberg | 13-Aug-2021
Draft law, regulator pose risks to Discovery’s unit in Poland but Polish watchdog says treaty exempts broadcast investments.
CIAR Global | 19-Jul-2021
La controversia se relaciona con la cancelación por parte del Gobierno local de la isla de Hainan (China) de la segunda edición de un festival internacional de jazz programada para 2014.
CMU | 3-Oct-2019
Tidal is threatening legal action against the whole country of Norway, which is certainly one way to deal with allegations that you fiddled the figures on a Beyonce record.
Le Devoir | 7-Jun-2016
Les négociateurs canadiens ont donné de grands avantages aux multinationales du Web, ce qui risque d’avoir des conséquences fâcheuses sur notre production et de limiter la diversité culturelle.
Abdel en vrai | 19-Oct-2015
Le traité transatlantique aura un effet catastrophique sur notre santé, parlez en autour de vous.
CEO | 12-Oct-2015
EU trade deals with Canada and the US could endanger citizens’ rights to basic services like water and health, as negotiators are doing the work of some of the EU’s most powerful corporate lobby groups in pushing an aggressive market opening agenda in the public sector.
AITEC | 12-Oct-2015
Les services publics de l’Union européenne se trouvent sous la menace des accords de commerce transatlantiques, et ce au profit des multinationales.
Medium | 26-Aug-2015
A number of chapters of the TPP will affect the creative artists, cultural industries and internet freedom — including intellectual property, investment, and electronic commerce.
Ars Technica UK | 3-Jun-2015
The German federal government has admitted that an EU country’s arts policies could lead to it being sued by foreign corporations before investor tribunals under trade agreements being negotiated with Canada and the US.