travail | droits des travailleurs & GRAIN | 3-jui-2024
Saka chibvumirano ichi chinoreveiko kuzvizvarwa zevmuAfrica zvisinavo chouviri munguva dzekuoma kunyangwe dzekusanaya kwemvura nemaguta ? & GRAIN | 3-jui-2024
Hivyo basi, makubaliano haya ya kibiashara yana maana gani kwa Muafrika wa kawaida katika wakati wa majanga makubwa ya kimazingira, kiuchumi na chakula ? & GRAIN | 3-jui-2024
Xana ntwanano wa mabindzu lawa wu vula yini eka munhu ntsena wa le Afrika hi nkarhi lowu wa mintlhontlho leyikulu ya maxelo, ikhonomi na swakudya ?
LPE Project | 15-déc-2023
The stakes for Honduras are not simply the billions of dollars otherwise destined for health, housing, and education. They are the very existence of Crawfish Rock : the past and future of the families who have inhabited the island for centuries. & GRAIN | 4-déc-2023
¿Qué significa para las personas africanas comunes este acuerdo comercial en un momento de profundas crisis climática, económica y alimentaria ?
Project Syndicate | 1er-déc-2023
The ongoing lawsuit brought against Honduras by an American company underscores the unjust and undemocratic nature of the investor-state dispute settlement system. & GRAIN | 31-oct-2023
ماذا سيكون تأثير هذا الاتفاق على السكان الأفارقة العاديين، في حقبة الأزمة المناخية والاقتصادية والغذائية هذه؟ & GRAIN | 13-oct-2023
So what does this trade deal mean for ordinary Africans in a time of deep climate, economic and food crises ? & GRAIN | 10-oct-2023
Quel impact cet accord commercial aura-t-il sur les populations africaines ordinaires, en cette période de crise climatique, économique et alimentaire ?