Inf’OGM | 30-Sep-2016
S’il est adopté, le Ceta aboutira à une consolidation des droits de propriété industrielle dont le Certificat d’obtention végétale et le brevet qui concernent directement les semences.
Global Labour Column | 28-Sep-2016
For decades, labour has been fighting purely defensive battles against the neo-liberal trade and investment agenda; we lack an agenda of our own. Lost ground will not be reclaimed on what is fundamentally hostile territory, argues Peter Rossmann of the IUF.
TNI | 23-Sep-2016
How CETA’s investor protection rules could result in a boom of investor claims against Canada and the EU.
TNI | 23-Sep-2016
Cómo las normas de protección de las inversiones en el ceta podrían generar un auge de demandas de inversores contra Canadá y la UE.
CEO | 23-Sep-2016
Les règles de protection des investisseurs de l’AECG pourraient mener à l’explosion des poursuites d’investisseurs contre le Canada et l’Union européenne.
Columbia FDI Perspectives | 21-Sep-2016
An Investment Court would become a device for neoliberal rules of investment protection with even greater authority.
Deutsche Welle | 21-Sep-2016
The EU-US free trade deal is controversial in Europe as it includes a mechanism that seeks to settle disputes between investors and states out of regular courts. DW examines the issue with law professor Gus Van Harten.
El Diario | 12-Sep-2016
Los gobiernos y los lobistas de las grandes corporaciones buscan nuevas formas de blindar la privatización y esquivar el proceso democrático.
AITEC | 10-Sep-2016
Alors que la France tente de sauver le CETA en torpillant momentanément le TAFTA/TTIP, 17 organisations européennes rappellent les dangers de l’arbitrage d’investissement tel qu’il est proposé dans les deux traités.
Client Earth | 7-Sep-2016
Highly controversial investor rules in the EU-Canada free trade agreement (CETA) led the EU Parliament to ask its legal service whether they were compatible with EU law, and the analysis has just been published.