Climate Home News | 16-Sep-2020
Negotiators have ruled out an overhaul of private courts that allow energy companies to sue national governments when climate change policies hurt their profits.
La Tribune Afrique | 11-Sep-2020
L’Angola et l’Union européenne vont lancer des discussions exploratrices en vue d’un accord d’investissement.
Novethic | 8-Sep-2020
Le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie, signé en 1994 par l’Europe et les pays de l’ancien bloc soviétique, donne aux investisseurs la possibilité d’attaquer les gouvernements qui modifieraient leur politique énergétique.
Climate Change News | 8-Sep-2020
The Japanese government is blocking reform of a treaty that allows energy companies to sue nation states when climate policies affect their profits.
JDsupra | 1-Sep-2020
While the termination agreement is in many ways the culmination of a process seeking to put an end to intra-EU investor-State dispute resolution, the story is far from over.
EU Observer | 14-Jul-2020
Green groups have renewed their demand for the EU and member states to jointly withdraw from the controversial Energy Charter Treaty (ECT).
The Ecologist | 9-Jul-2020
Corporations are busy weaponising obscure legal instruments to sue government for their actions to save lives and jobs during the coronavirus crisis.
Libération | 8-Jul-2020
Le traité sur la charte de l’énergie, en cours de renégociation, est trop archaïque pour être compatible avec les objectifs de lutte contre le dérèglement climatique.
Euractiv | 6-Jul-2020
The Energy Charter Treaty, which dates back to the 1990s, severely restricts Europe’s ability to change regulations in the energy sector, with many EU member states facing court actions worth billions of euros, write a group of MEPs. | 3-Jul-2020
Entrevista con Yamina Saheb que fue la Jefa de la Unidad de Eficiencia Energética en el Secretariado del Tratado de la Carta de Energía entre 2018 y 2019.