News from the movements
The Monitor | 19-Jul-2024
The welcome decision shines a light on Canada’s flawed defence in similar investor-state case against Canada.

Public Citizen | 17-Jul-2024
The World Bank has dismissed Canadian oil company TC Energy’s $15 billion ISDS case against the US sought due to lack of jurisdiction.
AFTINET | 12-Jul-2024
62 Australian lawyers and legal scholars have issued an open letter urging the Australian government to swiftly implement its policy of excluding Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions from current and future trade and investment agreements.
CLACSO | 5-Jul-2024
El Conversatorio virtual: Protección de inversiones y tratados de libre comercio: la urgencia de un debate se realiza con motivo de la publicación del boletín del Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Lex Mercatoria, derechos humanos y democracia, el cual intenta reflejar el intenso debate que suscitan los (no tan nuevos) marcos regulatorios del comercio y la producción a nivel mundial.
Public Citizen | 11-Jun-2024
How Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) harms indigenous communities.
The Guardian | 6-Jun-2024
More than $100bn of public money has been awarded to private investors in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) courts, according to the most comprehensive analysis yet.
Sierra Club | 3-Jun-2024
Report urges elimination of ISDS Provisions, calls for stronger trade policies to protect climate.
ISDS Case Map