Public Citizen | 23-Jul-2024
Members of Congress, grassroots activists, and civil society organizations from the US and Latin America urged the United States to use the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP) to undo the damage of decades of corporate-dominated trade policy.
The Monitor | 19-Jul-2024
The welcome decision shines a light on Canada’s flawed defence in similar investor-state case against Canada.
Public Citizen | 17-Jul-2024
The World Bank has dismissed Canadian oil company TC Energy’s $15 billion ISDS case against the US sought due to lack of jurisdiction.
AFTINET | 12-Jul-2024
62 Australian lawyers and legal scholars have issued an open letter urging the Australian government to swiftly implement its policy of excluding Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions from current and future trade and investment agreements.
CLACSO | 5-Jul-2024
El Conversatorio virtual: Protección de inversiones y tratados de libre comercio: la urgencia de un debate se realiza con motivo de la publicación del boletín del Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Lex Mercatoria, derechos humanos y democracia, el cual intenta reflejar el intenso debate que suscitan los (no tan nuevos) marcos regulatorios del comercio y la producción a nivel mundial.
Public Citizen | 11-Jun-2024
How Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) harms indigenous communities.
The Guardian | 6-Jun-2024
More than $100bn of public money has been awarded to private investors in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) courts, according to the most comprehensive analysis yet.
Sierra Club | 3-Jun-2024
Report urges elimination of ISDS Provisions, calls for stronger trade policies to protect climate. & GRAIN | 3-Jun-2024
Saka chibvumirano ichi chinoreveiko kuzvizvarwa zevmuAfrica zvisinavo chouviri munguva dzekuoma kunyangwe dzekusanaya kwemvura nemaguta? & GRAIN | 3-Jun-2024
Hivyo basi, makubaliano haya ya kibiashara yana maana gani kwa Muafrika wa kawaida katika wakati wa majanga makubwa ya kimazingira, kiuchumi na chakula?

ISDS Case Map