Last Week Tonight | 16-feb-2015
Thanks to tobacco industry regulations and marketing restrictions in the US, smoking rates have dropped dramatically. John Oliver explains how tobacco companies are keeping their business strong overseas.
BEUC | 18-dic-2014
A high level panel discussion on TTIP organised by BEUC, FOEE and AK Europa (video)
WEED | 12-dic-2014
The film explains how the settlement works and why it endangers necessary governmental rescue measures in financial crises as occurred in Greece, Cypress and Argentina.
ViEUws | 6-nov-2014
Jennifer Baker is joined by Richard More O’Ferrall, spokesperson for the Greens Group, to discuss the future of trade negotiations between the European Union and United States under the new Juncker Commission.
Mediapart | 27-oct-2014
Le ministre de l’économie allemand Sigmar Gabriel a rendu public le mercredi 15 octobre le montant réclamé par Vattenfall, à savoir 4,7 milliards d’€. Rien à voir avec les quelques millions d’€ mentionnés un mois avant par son secrétaire d’Etat.
Occupy London TV | 28-sep-2014
Occupy Democracy is organising a time limited occupation from the 17th - 26th October to debate the flaws in the UK’s democracy, such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
TNI | 19-abr-2014
Frank exchange of views between the EU Commission and civil society representatives on the introduction of special rights for companies in the TTIP, through the mechanism of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
CEO | 17-abr-2014
This film presents some of the dangers of the investor rights within the proposed EU-US trade deal.
Policy Mic | 25-mar-2014
The translantic trade agreement would undermine hard-fought regulations and open up a large part of the world to greater exploitation without regulation. Fracking would go global.
FTA Watch | 8-ene-2014