AFTINET | 12-jui-2024
62 Australian lawyers and legal scholars have issued an open letter urging the Australian government to swiftly implement its policy of excluding Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions from current and future trade and investment agreements.
The Korea Herald | 12-jui-2024
South Korea has filed an appeal against a ruling by a Hague-based arbitration court ordering it to pay $32 million to a US hedge fund to compensate for its intervention in the merger of two Samsung affiliates in 2015.
Enterprise | 9-jui-2024
The World Bank’s ICSID dismissed claims brought against the Egyptian government by UAE-based CTIP Oil & Gas Investment Limited.
Morocco World News | 9-jui-2024
Morocco dismissed the claims, maintaining that the businessman was engaging in blackmail and illegal maneuvers to obstruct the liquidation process of Morocco’s sole oil refinery, Samir.
Romania-Insider | 9-jui-2024
Canadian company Gabriel Resources filed an appeal against the decision of the Washington Arbitration Court by which Romania won the case in the Roșia Montană gold mining project, requesting its annulment.
Havana Times | 8-jui-2024
The US company is appealing under CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) for the invasion of its property in Jinotega and the destruction of its avocado and other orchards.
Resource World | 5-jui-2024
Orla Mining Ltd. has filed a request for arbitration against the Government of Panama under the Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement regarding the cancellation of the Cerro Quema mining concession in late 2023.
European Commission | 2-jui-2024
The EU has taken the final step to exit the Energy Charter Treaty ; the Union and its Member States have also reached a formal agreement to put an end to the continuation of intra-EU arbitration proceedings under the ECT.
The Tico Times | 1er-jui-2024
The Canadian mining company Infinito Gold has decided to drop a claim against Costa Rica for the failed Crucitas project in Cutris de San Carlos.
Azatutyun | 1er-jui-2024
A Cyprus-registered shell company that owns a minority stake in Armenia’s largest mining enterprise has filed a $1.2 billion lawsuit against the Armenian government.

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