El Financiero | 11-Aug-2015
Una empresa canadiense de inversiones inmobiliarias iniciará un arbitraje contra México bajo el TLC. ¿El monto demandado?: 200 millones de dólares.
Reuters | 22-Feb-2013
Cargill has reached a settlement with Mexico in a dispute that resulted in a $77 million arbitration award for the US agribusiness company
Reuters | 15-Nov-2012
US agribusiness company Cargill Inc. filed a suit in a US court on Tuesday to compel Mexico to pay a $94.6 million award over trade barriers the company says Mexico put up against high-fructose corn syrup from 2002 to 2007.
Public Citizen | 2-Mar-2011
The award in agribusiness giant Cargill’s NAFTA investor-state attack on Mexico’s jobs program was published last week.
ITN | 13-Jan-2010
Spanish firms Abengoa, S.A. and COFIDES, S.A. have launched a claim with ICSID against Mexico over the stalled opening of a toxic waste disposal plant built by them in the municipality of Zimapán, approximately 200 kilometres north of Mexico City.
IISD | 9-Oct-2009
Mexico has suffered another loss in a series of investor-state arbitral disputes involving its sugar industry. | 21-Aug-2009
US-based Corn Products International has been awarded damages of over $58m in a dispute with Mexico over violations of the North America Free Trade Agreement.
El Diario | 29-Apr-2008
Alrededor de 4 mil 500 empresas afiliadas a la Cámara Nacional de Autotransporte de Carga (Canacar) demandarán bajo el recurso de “en arbitraje por daños y perjuicios” al gobierno de EU, por incumplir los términos del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) desde hace 14 años, al impedir el libre tránsito de transportistas e inversión entre ambos países.
| 22-Mar-2008
When agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland Co. quietly filed court documents this month to overturn — and increase — a multi-million-dollar trade penalty it won against the Mexican government, the move shone a light on Chapter 11, perhaps the most controversial clause in the North American Free Trade Agreement.