Stop TTIP | 17-Oct-2016
Over 100 law professors from across Europe have come together to send a clear message to EU decision makers demanding the investor protection mechanisms be excluded from TTIP and CETA.
KWM | 17-Oct-2016
The viability of the Filipino nickel industry is in a state of flux following President Rodrigo Duterte’s national audit of the country’s forty mines. Lawyers explore ISDS options.
Taylor & Francis | 17-Oct-2016
The TPP threatens to extend the most draconian feature of the contemporary free trade model: private corporation’s ability to sue sovereign nations.
Institute for Policy Studies | 16-Oct-2016
Coalition of groups state “there are no winners," investor-state arbitration subverts democracy.
Le Devoir | 15-Oct-2016
Une poursuite de 300 millions de dollars intentée par l’entreprise minière Pacific Rim Mining Corporation contre le Salvador a été défaite par un arbitrage du Centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements
The Globe and Mail | 14-Oct-2016
A company that planned a huge offshore wind farm in Lake Ontario says it has been awarded more than $25-million in damages, because the Ontario government cancelled its project.
EurActiv | 14-Oct-2016
The European Commission faces an EU court battle to keep secret its lawyers’ analysis on whether the controversial investor-state-dispute (ISDS) clause in draft trade deals with the USA and Canada is illegal.
EurActiv | 14-Oct-2016
La Commission européenne devra justifier devant la justice le secret entourant son analyse de la légalité du système de règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États du TTIP et du CETA.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 14-Oct-2016
In a quite short period the new government, led by the recently elected President Mauricio Macri, has turned around its foreign policy and alignments.
CEO | 13-Oct-2016
Les attaques dangereuses contre les réglementations protégeant l’intérêt public et l’environnement ne prendront pas fin suite aux nouvelles propositions européennes sur l’investissement dans les traités de commerce, selon un nouveau rapport.