Lexology | 29-Oct-2014
The Islamic Republic of Iran has won its first ever investor-state arbitration in a decision against Turkish mobile phone company, Turkcell.
BEUC | 28-Oct-2014
This case illustrates the risk that a Member State can be successfully sued by a company within ISDS for merely bringing its legislation or policies in line with EU legislation.
EU Trade Insights | 28-Oct-2014
As the debate in Europe over investors’ rights to sue States is growing, Singapore has been asking the European Commission to agree to a decoupling of the bilateral trade agreement as the country is concerned the investment protection part of the deal could hold up the entire pact.
Mediapart | 27-Oct-2014
Le ministre de l’économie allemand Sigmar Gabriel a rendu public le mercredi 15 octobre le montant réclamé par Vattenfall, à savoir 4,7 milliards d’€. Rien à voir avec les quelques millions d’€ mentionnés un mois avant par son secrétaire d’Etat.
European Voice | 23-Oct-2014
As Juncker gives reassurances to the European Parliament over free trade with the US, 14 member states are urging him to stick to the script.
Challenges.fr | 23-Oct-2014
Le futur chef de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, a ouvert la porte à une exclusion des tribunaux d’arbitrage de l’accord de libre-échange en cours de négociations avec les Etats-Unis, dans son discours d’investiture mercredi 22 octobre devant le Parlement européen.
Reuters | 22-Oct-2014
The United States has floated excluding tobacco products from a key section of a 12-nation Pacific trade deal and signaled it may present a formal proposal to trading partners at talks in Australia.
Central Telegraph | 22-Oct-2014
Uruguay files its defence against Philip Morris, a test case for big business lawsuits that could hit the EU through the transatlantic trade and investment deal with the US.
The Conversation | 21-Oct-2014
The US is again driving the TPP agenda on behalf of its major export industries, but the TPP proposals are more extreme than the Australia-US FTA, writes Pat Ranald.
IBT | 17-Oct-2014
The European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht has warned that there will be no free trade agreement between the EU and US without the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clause.