Cameroon | 16-Jun-2023
In the last week, four African countries have received investment arbitration claims before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Cameroon, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tunisia have been sued by investors from Italy, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
Clyde & Co | 7-Jan-2022
Clyde & Co has successfully defeated an ICSID claim brought against the Republic of Cameroon by the Delaware-incorporated company Hope Services LLC.
Al Wihda | 22-Feb-2020
Une société de services financiers, basée aux États-Unis, a saisi le CIRDI au sujet d’un différend avec le Cameroun lié à une série de plateformes numériques.
IISD | 4-Oct-2017
Le tribunal a estimé que la société requérante n’avait pas de siège social au Luxembourg et a fait preuve d’abus de droit pour « étayer la réalité de son siège social luxembourgeois »
IISD | 4-Oct-2017
The tribunal ruled that the investor did not have a head office in Luxembourg and had abused its rights to “give the impression that it had a Luxembourg head office”
SAT PR | 15-May-2017
The Rules on Transparency provide procedural rules that ensure transparency and public accessibility to treaty-based investor-State arbitration.