TNI | 20-Aug-2020
América Latina entre la crisis de la pandemia y el arbitraje de inversiones.
SSRN | 20-Aug-2020
Recent jurisdictional decisions suggest that sovereign debt will be subject to bilateral investment treaties for the foreseeable future.
IPS | 18-Aug-2020
Predatory international law firms are encouraging multimillion-dollar investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) lawsuits citing Covid-19 containment, relief and recovery measures.
Biodiversidad en América Latina | 11-Aug-2020
La Internacional de Servicios Públicos, en asociación con la Fundación Friedrich Ebert, está produciendo una serie de cuatro artículos investigando como los tratados de libre comercio, el neoliberalismo y la falta de justicia fiscal socavaron la respuesta sanitaria y socioeconómica de la crisis generada por la pandemia de Covid-19.
South Centre | 11-Aug-2020
COVID-19 can increase liability for countries under international investment treaties. Developing countries face imminent challenges under such treaties.
CMS | 10-Aug-2020
A recent ICSID tribunal has denied an investor’s claim concerning the development of an airport project in Latvia, which may have wider implications for infrastructure projects that may now be under feasibility reviews as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Ecologist | 9-Jul-2020
Corporations are busy weaponising obscure legal instruments to sue government for their actions to save lives and jobs during the coronavirus crisis.
Financial Express Bangladesh | 7-Jul-2020
Amidst the global risk of ISDS claims, it is incumbent to shed light on Bangladesh’s BIT structure and its feasibility to confront ISDS claims in the backdrop of Covid-19 regulatory space.
CIAR Global | 6-Jul-2020
La pandemia Covid19 ha supuesto un antes y un después en nuestra forma de contemplar el mundo, y lo ha hecho a todos los niveles y afectando a todos los estamentos de la sociedad con repercusiones sociales, económicas y sanitarias que hace apenas un año no habríamos imaginado.
Civil society groups sound alarm over COVID-19 claims in ’corporate courts’ | 5-Jul-2020
Countries could be facing a wave of cases from transnational corporations suing governments over actions taken to respond to the Covid pandemic using a system known as investor-state dispute settlement, or ISDS. Some 630 organisations from across the world, representing hundreds of millions of people, are calling on governments in an open letter to urgently take action to shut down this threat.