Le Soir | 2-déc-2016
Selon le ministre-président wallon, le fédéral tarde à honorer un de ses engagements.
Jakarta Post | 1er-déc-2016
Indonesia will seek a win-win outcome for the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the European Union, having exchanged views on a number of crucial sticking points ahead of the next round of negotiations in January.
La Libre | 30-nov-2016
La crise du mois d’octobre dernier était peut-être inutile.
Vieuws | 30-nov-2016
The European Commission wants to give a strong push within the EU and around the globe for the establishment of a multilateral investment dispute settlement system.
Business Standard | 29-nov-2016
The EU terms India’s move ’unilateral’, says lack of investor protection might stop European investments to India.
Hindustan Times | 24-nov-2016
India will not renew an investment treaty with the Netherlands that will expire on November 30 as part of its plan to rework all similar pacts it signed with other countries.
Público | 24-nov-2016
Por 419 votos en contra y 258 a favor el Pleno del Europarlamento ha rechazado la moción que pedía la opinión del Tribunal sobre el polémico acuerdo de libre comercio, especialmente en lo que respecta a los denostados paneles arbitrales.
The Guardian | 17-nov-2016
Rising inequality is largely to blame for this electoral upset. Continuing with business as usual is not an option.
Les Echos | 17-nov-2016
Le traité de libre-échange entre l’UE et le Canada pourrait, à terme, généraliser le recours à l’arbitrage.
Vieuws | 8-nov-2016
The move follows the Commission’s pledge from last year to “start work, together with other countries, on setting up a permanent International Investment Court.”