Peteris Pildegovics and SIA North Star argued that Norway had violated the BIT between Latvia and Norway in relation to alleged investments of the claimants in snow crab harvesting licenses and harvesting vessels.
The ICSID announced their rationale for a decision to reject a non-disputing party submission (amicus curiae) filed by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).
Indonesian CSOs assesses the national economic recovery strategy by strengthening policies economic liberalization focusing only on investment and exports will only be increasingly open space for corporate monopoly on economic resources.
Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia untuk Keadilan Ekonomi menilai strategi pemulihan ekonomi nasional dengan penguatan kebijakan liberalisasi ekonomi hanya akan semakin membuka ruang monopoli korporasi atas sumber daya ekonomi.
The proposed policy follows the escape of over 200,000 Atlantic salmon from the company’s fish farms, sparking outcry from Indigenous groups, environmentalists, and fishing communities.
A Johannesburg businessman, trying to sue the Mozambique government for over $91 million (R1 billion), has taken the SA government to court after officials allegedly sided with the neighbouring country in the dispute.