Club of Mozambique | 31-May-2024
African commodities house ETG has warned Mozambique that it will seek international arbitration in a dispute over the seizure of up to US$60 million’s worth of goods.
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment | 23-Feb-2024
Mozambique faces a substantial economic risk due to its exposure to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) claims by foreign investors in its coal, oil, and gas sectors. The investment protections in the country’s international investment agreements and contracts, combined with ISDS, expose Mozambique to multi-billion-dollar financial liabilities.
Global Trade Review | 21-Feb-2024
The investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system could be putting climate action at risk in emerging and developing economies as investors in fossil fuel projects angle for compensation, experts say.
Investegate | 31-Jan-2024
AAG have confirmed they have submitted the claim by way of a request for arbitration to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Emirates News Agency | 9-Feb-2022
The agreement protects both nations’ investments from all non-commercial risks, covers transfer of profits and revenues, and facilitates resolving disputes.
Proactive | 18-Aug-2021
Pathfinder Minerals PLC has gained ground after some progress towards settling a dispute in Mozambique.
Stock Market Wire | 19-Apr-2021
O grupo mineiro Pathfinder Minerals afirmou que uma disputa sobre a posse de um título mineiro em Moçambique poderá levar o país a incorrer em perdas de mais de $621,3 milhões.
Stock Market Wire | 14-Apr-2021
Mining group Pathfinder Minerals said a dispute over the ownership of a mining title in Mozambique could see it incur estimated losses of more than $621.3 million.
American Society of International Law | 31-Oct-2019
ICSID found in favor of Mozambique, identifying no breaches of obligations towards Italian investors.
The Citizen | 5-Feb-2018
A Johannesburg businessman, trying to sue the Mozambique government for over $91 million (R1 billion), has taken the SA government to court after officials allegedly sided with the neighbouring country in the dispute.

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