Reuters | 7-May-2018
US oil firm ConocoPhillips has moved to take Caribbean assets of Venezuela’s state-run PDVSA to enforce a $2 billion arbitration award over a decade-oil nationalization of its projects in the South American country.
Telecompaper | 7-May-2018
Telefonica Mexico has withdrawn its arbitration claim against the Mexican government in which it had requested compensation amounting to around EUR 850 million after reaching an agreement with the country.
EU Observer | 6-May-2018
Keeping the European project alive requires EU members to abide by the principle of loyalty to European institutions.
The Chronicle Herald | 6-May-2018
Environmental law experts are concerned about the broader implications of a recent federal court dismissal of Canada’s application to overturn a NAFTA tribunal ruling.
Friends of the Earth Australia | 3-May-2018
The ISDS system impedes on national sovereignty to the benefit of corporations, yet places no obligations on investors to behave responsibly, creating an asymmetric system that gives multinationals the same rights as sovereign states.
IBS Intelligence | 3-May-2018
The International Trade Committee launches an inquiry concerning the UK’s investment policy, which will examine the Government’s performance in promoting and facilitating inward and outward investment and its approach, upon UK exit from the EU, to negotiating agreements that liberalise and protect foreign investment.
CBC | 3-May-2018
New Jersey company behind quarry proposal in Digby Neck claims damages of $443M US in lost profits.
Morocco World News | 2-May-2018
The US-based private equity firm Carlyle, is suing the Moroccan government for over USD 400 million in the ICSID, claiming the sum is equivalent to the profit lost when Morocco’s sole refinery went bankrupt three years ago.
Korea Times | 2-May-2018
According to an official at the ministry, the fund can file the ISDS after a 90-day "grace period," as it is stated in the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 30-Apr-2018
Since 1973, the sovereign islands of the Caribbean Sea, have concluded over 140 international investment agreements. The ICSID Convention is in force in all islands except Antigua & Barbuda, Cuba, Dominica, and the Dominican Republic.

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