Rapsi | 27-Oct-2016
Subsidiaries of Russian aluminum giant Rusal filed a claim with the ICSID, demanding Ukraine to compensate the company for the investments into the Zaporozhsky Aluminium Plant
Lexology | 27-Oct-2016
Cuba’s investment protection framework is surprisingly robust, though there are serious questions about the de facto protections actually afforded to U.S. and other investors.
Stamford Advocate | 27-Oct-2016
"Our experience in Peru demonstrates how the TPP model prioritizes trade and investment above the protection of the environment, ecosystems, and life itself."
Financial Express | 25-Oct-2016
Any intra-Brics framework will only be effective if awards rendered by such a body are enforceable without the added difficulty of getting entangled in domestic proceedings.
The Guardian | 25-Oct-2016
Threat of action from multinationals one of the ‘enormous risks’ Australia faces if trade deal is ratified, GetUp says
The Hindu | 24-Oct-2016
New Delhi examining whether dispute settlement mechanism can be tweaked
SSRN | 22-Oct-2016
For eight reasons, Gus Van Harten argues that the Declaration does very little to alleviate key concerns arising from the CETA’s proposed special rights and privileges for foreign investors
TDM | 20-Oct-2016
This Special Issue presents diverse views on a number of salient topics affecting international arbitration involving the African continent.
VOA | 20-Oct-2016
Protests against the Rosia Montana mine project continued for more than 15 years and resulted in the largest demonstrations in Romania since the late 1980’s.
Telesur | 19-Oct-2016
“We don’t want what happened to us to happen to the people in Dakota,” Piaguaje told teleSUR.

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