Korea Bizwire | 29-Jan-2018
Samsung Engineering’s longstanding dispute with the government of Oman has been resolved, and industry insiders expect the resolution to lead to increased business activity between the two down the road.
CBC | 29-Jan-2018
Disputes over whether to opt out of investment section frustrating to Canada and Mexico.
Lexology | 29-Jan-2018
This post discusses the disagreement between Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel (the president of the tribunal) and Michael Pryles, and Prof. Philippe Sands QC, on the assessment of damages.
CBC | 29-Jan-2018
Ruling found that New Jersey company was wrongly prevented from opening quarry and terminal.
Arbitration Blog | 26-Jan-2018
The EC claimed intra-EU investment treaty arbitration is in breach of EU law. If the CJEU were to confirm the decision of the EC, the application of the ICSID Convention within the EU would be seriously endangered.
The Tribune | 26-Jan-2018
China has decided to set up three international courts to deal with disputes related to its multi-billion dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), under which it is making massive investments.
Página 12 | 26-Jan-2018
El Presidente ofrecerá en París un acuerdo para cancelar con bonos los 400 millones de dólares que reclama la prestadora de agua y cloacas Suez, cuyos incumplimientos de contrato llevaron a la anulación de la concesión en 2006.
Cision | 25-Jan-2018
Stockholm District Court issued a judgment clearing the way for the Stati parties to collect the US$520 million arbitration award against the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Les Echos | 25-Jan-2018
Le président argentin compte présenter à son homologue français un plan de remboursement de la dette historique de l’Argentine auprès de Engie.
Toronto Star | 25-Jan-2018
Canada has proposed that Canada and Mexico would agree to a dispute settlement process between their two countries alone — to be outlined in an annex to the NAFTA.