Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 11-Jan-2017
Central to the general public’s opposition to ISDS is the concept of legitimate expectations.
TASS | 11-Jan-2017
Yukos former shareholders are trying to dispute the decision of the Hague District Court.
CIAR Global | 9-Jan-2017
El pasado 29 de diciembre, el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (Ciadi) publicó el laudo consensuado fruto del Acuerdo de Conciliación del arbitraje entre la República Argentina y los bonistas italianos Abaclat y Otros, representados por Task Force Argentina (TFA).
CIAR Global | 9-Jan-2017
El 19 de diciembre de 2016, el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones, Ciadi, hizo pública la decisión sobre la solicitud de anulación de Argentina en relación con el arbitraje que mantiene con la francesa SAUR International.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 9-Jan-2017
In the landscape of international investment arbitration the allegations of corruption have become more and more common.
The Wire | 9-Jan-2017
With the imminent demise of the Tran-Pacific Partnership Agreement almost certain, there are many lessons to be learnt from the fraudulent free trade deal.
Reuters | 7-Jan-2017
Romania has asked the United Nations to make a Transylvanian village boasting 18th century houses and intact Roman mining shafts into a World Heritage site in move that could protect it from a gold mine project.
Global Telecoms Business | 7-Jan-2017
ACP Axos Capital is suing the Kosovo government for €400m as a result of its failed bid to buy Kosovo Telecom.
University of Oxford | 5-Jan-2017
Foreign firms tend to be treated at least as well by host state governments as comparable domestic firms in the vast majority of cases. There is a political advantage, as opposed to liability, of being a foreign firm.
Revista Realidad Económica | 5-Jan-2017
En este trabajo argumentamos que el CIADI debe ser entendido como un eslabón clave en el camino librecambista de garantizar la certeza para los capitales.