actions | resistance
CEO | 17-Apr-2014
See through the sweet-talk with Corporate Europe Observatory’s guide to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
CEO | 17-Apr-2014
This film presents some of the dangers of the investor rights within the proposed EU-US trade deal.
The Guardian | 14-Apr-2014
A multinational mining company has been accused of launching "a direct assault on democratic governance" by suing El Salvador for more than US$300m (£179m) in compensation, after the tiny Central American country refused to allow it to dig for gold amid growing opposition to the exploitation of its mineral wealth.
AFL-CIO | 3-Mar-2014
Millions of Americans are hoping the US government will immediately initiate open and fruitful discussions on ISDS.
CEO | 25-Jan-2014
This week, the European Commission announced a freeze in negotiations over dangerous corporate rights in the proposed EU-US trade deal (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) and that it would conduct a public consultation on the issue.
The Nation | 25-Jan-2014
Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments, write Robin Broad and John Cavanagh
Novethic | 15-Jan-2014
De part et d’autre de l’Atlantique, des dizaines d’ONG surveillent de près le partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d’investissement négocié actuellement entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis. Dans leur collimateur, une clause défendant la protection des investisseurs au détriment de celle des citoyens et de l’environnement.
FTA Watch | 8-Jan-2014
A five-minute video from FTA Watch (Thailand)
Public Radio International | 4-Jan-2014
Last month, a judge ruled that the Ecuadorians can pursue their case against Chevron in Canada.
Tlaxcala | 27-Dec-2013
Over 100 civil society groups and social movements from Europe and the USA have signed on an open letter that was sent to the chief negotiators of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to voice one joint demand: to exclude any Investor-state Dispute Settlement mechanism from the TTIP