The National | 15-Apr-2024
It is presumed the claim is on the basis of the bilateral investment treaty between Libya and Belgium.
Commercial Dispute Resolution | 15-Dec-2023
Libya’s sovereign wealth fund has instructed criminal counsel alongside its launch of an arbitration claim, in an increasingly bitter investment dispute with Belgium and involving a member of the royal family.
Lexology | 8-Apr-2021
The Paris Court of Appeal recently issued a noteworthy decision that will likely have a significant impact on the use of the OIC Agreement, one of the largest multilateral investment treaties.
CNN | 24-Feb-2021
An aribtral tribunal ordered Libya to pay the Al Kharafi Group $930 million in damages. The Al Kharafi Group sued the Libyan state in France too, so when Gadhafi’s A340 landed in France, they sought to have it impounded.
La Lettre A | 24-Oct-2020
Près de dix ans après le début du conflit libyen, une créance d’un milliard d’euros fait toujours l’objet d’âpres batailles juridiques entre Paris, Tripoli et Koweït city.
Africa Intelligence | 1-Oct-2020
Le groupe koweïtien Al Kharafi veut faire confirmer ses saisies des actifs français du fonds souverain libyen LIA. Mais la sentence arbitrale dont il se prévaut a été annulée par la justice égyptienne.
Lexology | 16-Jun-2020
On 3 June 2020, the Cairo Court of Appeal set aside a US$ 1 billion investment treaty award arising out of a dispute between a Kuwaiti construction company and the State of Libya, in relation to a license for a tourist development project in Tripoli, Libya.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 4-Jun-2020
A number of noteworthy decisions by the Paris Court of Appeal and French Supreme Court have come to refine on the now well-established French case law on international arbitration.
The Independent | 5-Dec-2015
The Airbus sits abandoned on the edge of an airport in south-west France, while a legal battle rages over its ownership.

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