European Papers | 15-Jan-2019
If the European Court of Justice applied in Opinion 1/17 the same test it used in Achmea, it would probably conclude that the CETA tribunal is not compatible with EU law.
MENAFN | 2-Jan-2019
The EU has proposed to reform the investor-state-dispute-settlement system, a move that could further complicate negotiations with China over a bilateral investment agreement, as well as their dialogue on the Belt and Road Initiative’s implementation in Europe.
Les Echos | 2-Jan-2019
La Commission européenne souhaite imposer une nouvelle configuration aux mécanismes de résolution des litiges en matière d’investissement.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 14-Dec-2018
Tribunals still grappling with the intra-EU question, especially those in ECT cases, are certain to pay great attention to the carefully crafted Vattenfall decision. Its reasoning may well serve as a blueprint for further decisions and awards in similar cases.
Alternatives Economiques | 11-Dec-2018
Le meilleur moyen de se prémunir de la menace des tribunaux d’arbitrage est de ne pas signer de nouveaux accords et d’y mettre fin dans les anciens.
Client Earth | 28-Sep-2018
ClientEarth has challenged a judgment regarding the European Commission’s decision to keep secret information about controversial investment tribunals in EU international trade deals.
Friends of the Earth Europe | 24-Sep-2018
Our analysis of the leaked draft code of conduct of CETA tribunals reveals that the same people known as ISDS arbitrators and counsellors will now take over CETA tribunals.
Alternatives Economiques | 5-Sep-2018
Les montants des « sentences » se comptent en milliards de dollars au total, sans qu’un chiffre exhaustif puisse être donné, certains jugements et même certaines procédures restant secrets.
JDSupra | 30-Aug-2018
The Court of Appeal maintained the stay of enforcement of Viorel Micula and others v Romania award, but overturned his decision on security, ordering that Romania should provide £150 million as a term of the stay.
CincoDías | 29-Aug-2018
Piden compensaciones por los daños causados por la pérdida de su inversión. Estiman que España incumplió las garantías y protección fijadas del tratado bilateral de inversión entre España y México.