Perú 21 | 13-mai-2024
Por resolución arbitraria e injustificada del Contrato de Concesión para la construcción y operación del Aeropuerto de Chinchero en Cusco.
Hindustan Times | 10-mai-2024
Several non-European Union states are keen on finalising bilateral investment treaties with India to boost the potential for investments and to address concerns of investors on matters such as dispute resolution.
The Conversation | 10-mai-2024
Foreign investors wanting to protect their gains under the controversial new law could hold the country to ransom by threatening a dispute. As a result, they would constrain New Zealand’s democratic ability to exercise its sovereignty, and to protect te Tiriti rights.
PSI | 8-mai-2024
After a decade long struggle by PSI and affiliates against trade rules that put corporate profits before people, victory is in sight !
La Jornada | 7-mai-2024
En lo que va de 2024 ha habido una serie de reveses al neocolonial sistema de protección de inversiones contenido en tratados de libre comercio (TLC) y de inversiones (TBI). Son avances en el contexto de la urgencia que planteó David Boyd, el relator especial de la ONU sobre derechos humanos y medio ambiente (ver Derechos humanos y empresas trasnacionales, La Jornada, 23/10/23).
Le Soir | 6-mai-2024
Il est urgent de désarmer ces tribunaux d’arbitrage qui sont incompatibles avec les objectifs climatiques de l’Accord de Paris, de développement durable des Nations Unies et, plus largement, d’intérêt public que doivent poursuivre les États démocratiques.
Jacobin | 6-mai-2024
Companies have long used international treaties to try to prevent Global South countries from asserting economic sovereignty. In recent decades, corporations have used such laws to stymie European governments’ attempts to tackle the climate crisis.
Le Vent Se Lève | 6-mai-2024
Dès l’indépendance des anciennes colonies européennes, les grandes entreprises extractivistes ont mis en œuvre des mécanismes pour y préserver leurs intérêts économiques.
Public Citizen | 3-mai-2024
For half a century, the ISDS system has allowed multinational corporations to run off with billions of taxpayers dollars while allowing them to undermine environmental standards, public health protections, financial regulations, and other sound policies throughout the world.
Reuters | 30-avr-2024
A free-trade agreement between Peru and China, which has been in effect since 2009, protects investments and has allowed increased trade between the countries.