Reuters | 20-abr-2018
Investors holding billions of dollars in defaulted Venezuelan bonds have formed at least one bondholder committee, which could signal an eventual legal dispute similar to the dispute with Argentina after it defaulted on its sovereign debt in early 2002.
CIEL | 19-abr-2018
A report reveals that the recent Achmea ruling by the European Court of Justice could render investment agreements between the European Union or its Member States and non-EU countries illegal.
Bloomberg | 19-abr-2018
Dislike of investor-state dispute mechanism appears widespread. Public consultation files detail what Trudeau team was told.
Out-Law | 16-abr-2018
A recent decision under the Energy Charter Treaty by France’s highest court appears to signal a return to a literal interpretation by the French courts of international treaties.
Lexology | 13-abr-2018
Investors journeying along Belt and Road Initiative should be aware of their rights under the web of investment treaties which cover the route.
OECD | 13-abr-2018
The Freedom of Investment Roundtable considered a Secretariat paper on appointing authorities and the selection of arbitrators in ISDS
IATP | 11-abr-2018
The financial industry’s demands for a “modernized” financial services chapter of the North American Free Trade Agreement have been overlooked
AFTINET | 11-abr-2018
Kahale uses examples from his own experience to argue that the ISDS system based on commercial arbitration principles is not fit to arbitrate cases in which international companies seek compensation from governments for changes in health, environment or other public interest laws.
National Observer | 11-abr-2018
Canada is the most sued country in NAFTA but Canadian companies aren’t shy about using ISDS claims either.
La Prensa | 10-abr-2018
A letter sent by the Trump Organization’s lawyers reminded President Varela of Panama’s obligations under a 1983 treaty that protects the rights of investors from the United States.

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