Alternatives économiques | 8-Jun-2017
Une remise à plat complète du règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États est nécessaire pour pouvoir mener l’indispensable transition écologique et sociale de nos sociétés
The Hindu | 8-Jun-2017
As India prepares to resume FTA talks with the EU, a recent landmark decision by the European Court of Justice on investor-state dispute settlement assumes importance.
RTBF | 6-Jun-2017
Le conseil des ministres belge a approuvé l’avant-projet de loi portant assentiment à l’accord économique et commercial global entre l’Union européenne et le Canada. Le texte devra recevoir le feu vert de la Chambre.
The Hindu | 2-Jun-2017
‘IIA, which has a pro-investor bias, aims to protect only capital and not labour,’ said Saurabh Garg, the Joint Secretary in Indian Finance Ministry’s Department of Economic Affairs.
Focus on the Global South | 1-Jun-2017
In the recent “RCEP 18th Round of Talks,” members of civil society organizations and social movements presented their positions vis-à-vis the RCEP.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 1-Jun-2017
One thing is clear: the European Commission did not obtain the full exclusive competence which it was hoping.
Campact | 1-Jun-2017
The proposed Multilateral Investment Court would give large corporations an exclusive justice system.
Entorno Inteligente | 31-May-2017
La multimillonaria demanda con la que Gas Natural Fenosa pretende que el Estado colombiano le pague supuestos daños por la liquidación de Electricaribe no es la única que avanza contra la Nación en tribunales de arbitramento internacionales.
Global Trade Mag | 30-May-2017
One of the most overlooked aspects of NAFTA is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement.
El País | 29-May-2017
El diputado socialista Roberto Chiazzaro expuso en Ecuador sobre los tratados bilaterales de inversión y los "elevados" riesgos que asumen los países cuando proceden a su firma.