Tele Sur | 5-Feb-2016
Macri firmó un "preacuerdo" con los bonistas italianos que habían quedado afuera de los canjes de la deuda pública en defaults efectuados en 2005 y 2010.
Merco Press | 5-Feb-2016
Argentina announced that it reached a $900 million preliminary accord to settle its pending debt with 50,000 Italian holders of defaulted Argentine government bonds. The Italian bondholders had sought about $2.5 billion at the ICSID.
DRB | 4-Feb-2016
L’Association des Magistrats allemands (DRB) rejette la proposition de la Commission européenne visant à établir une Cour pour les Investissements dans le cadre du Partenariat Transatlantique pour le Commerce et l’Investissement.
DRB | 4-Feb-2016
La Asociación de Magistrados Alemanes rechaza la propuesta de la Comisión Europea para establecer un tribunal de inversión en el marco del Tratado Transatlántico de Comercio e Inversión (TTIP).
DRB | 3-Feb-2016
The German Magistrates Association rejects the proposal of the European Commission to establish an investment court within the framework of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
The Independent | 3-Feb-2016
Other infamous examples of ISDS include Philip Morris, the tobacco giant, suing the Australian government for introducing plain cigarette packaging
The Globe and Mail | 1-Feb-2016
Despite Canada’s 14 new free-trade deals, Canada posted record trade deficits and shrinking exports throughout 2015 as prices for tangible commodities fell.
Mining | 1-Feb-2016
Eligible Canadian investors with property confiscated by the government of Kazakhstan are now legally entitled to international arbitration under the Canada/USSR BIT.
FFII | 1-Feb-2016
The European Commission today published the negotiated text of the EU – Vietnam FTA. The investment and investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) chapter is not conform the European Parliament 8 July 2015 resolution.
El Watan | 29-Jan-2016
La chaîne qatarie Al Jazeera a annoncé poursuivre l’Egypte en justice devant un tribunal d’arbitrage dépendant de la Banque mondiale, l’accusant d’avoir «confisqué» ses investissements et causé «une perte d’au moins 150 millions de dollars».