Chile Mejor sin TLC | 30-Apr-2021
“No solo es el TPP-11, son todos los Tratados de Libre Comercio los que impiden que cambiemos y avancemos hacia un nuevo modelo de desarrollo más justo”.
SOMO | 28-Apr-2021
The claims that German energy companies RWE and Uniper have submitted in response to a Dutch law that phases out coal by 2030 are not in line with the declining value and profitability of their coal power plants in the Netherlands. | 23-Apr-2021
Pakistan is the latest to start withdrawing from international treaties that give corporations the power to sue governments over environmental and public interest regulations.
IIED | 22-Apr-2021
It’s time to reconsider investor-state dispute settlement; inaction risks rising costs of shifting from fossil fuels to green alternatives.
CCPA | 15-Apr-2021
The removal of investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the renegotiated NAFTA was a critical victory but Canada, the US and Mexico continue to be enmeshed in an extensive web of bilateral and regional accords containing ISDS.
IISD | 9-Apr-2021
Para muchas personas afectadas por la extracción de recursos, los tratados de inversión pueden proteger emprendimientos que pueden cambiar drásticamente sus vidas con poco margen para expresar sus opiniones u obtener reparación.
IISD | 9-Apr-2021
For many people affected by resource extraction, it is the prevailing legal regime that dis-embeds and disintegrates, because investment treaties can protect ventures that upend their lives with little scope for voice or redress.
IPS | 8-Apr-2021
Private insurance corporations are suing Argentina and Bolivia for loss of potential profits as a result of the reversal of privatization of pension programs.
IISD | 8-Apr-2021
Pour de nombreuses personnes affectées par l’extraction des ressources, le régime juridique désintègre, car les traités d’investissement peuvent protéger des projets qui bouleversent leur vies, leur laissant peu de chance de se faire entendre.
Mining Watch | 7-Apr-2021
Referring repeatedly to legal threats by Barrick Gold Corp., Prime Minister Papua New Guinea released a statement announcing that his government will be making a deal with the company in regard to the Porgera Joint Venture gold mine.

ISDS Case Map