Washington Post | 28-Apr-2016
A Dutch court found that Russia doesn’t have to pay $50 billion to Yukos shareholders. Here’s the big catch: international investment law is so complicated that Russia might have to pay anyway.
The Guardian | 27-Apr-2016
US oil company wanted EU-US trade deal to give foreign investors the legal right to challenge government decision, documents show
Sputnik | 26-Apr-2016
Les futurs tribunaux spéciaux qui régleront les litiges provoqués par le Traité transatlantique controversé TTIP présentent plus de risques que d’avantages pour les gouvernements européens.
The Independent | 26-Apr-2016
This stark warning against TTIP was disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request by anti-TTIP campaigners
The Guardian | 25-Apr-2016
Government ordered to pay compensation after Hugo Chávez nationalised British beef company’s landholdings.
Vanguardia | 22-Apr-2016
Por cuenta de la globalización en el comercio, muchas cosas han cambiado en los trámites del país y buen número de entidades estatales no se ha percatado de ello.
KEI | 22-Apr-2016
Overall, the investment chapter is designed to give private parties the right to extract costly damages from governments that implement policies that harm profits.
EurActiv | 22-Apr-2016
La nouvelle mouture du règlement des différends entre investisseurs et État n’est pas plus compatible avec les droits humains que la précédente, selon un expert de l’ONU.
EurActiv | 22-Apr-2016
The EU’s new investment court is no more consistent with fundamental rights than the previous investor-state dispute settlement system, according to a UN human rights expert.