Les Echos | 15-Apr-2016
Deux fonds gérés par La Française International ont été lancés pour financer des entreprises qui engagent des poursuites contre un autre groupe ou un Etat.
Financial Post | 15-Apr-2016
Crystallex International Corp. completed the easy part: It won an arbitration award against Venezuela worth nearly US$1.4 billion. Now comes the hard part: actually collecting that money.
Rebelión | 14-Apr-2016
On 24 July 2015, Costa Rica requested the termination of the arbitral proceedings that the Canadian Mining company, Infinito Gold filed with the Centre for the Settlement of Disputes between Foreign Investors and States.
Nueva Tribuna | 14-Apr-2016
Private arbitral tribunals will be able to impose multi-million fines on States whose parliaments have dared to legislate without taking into account corporate expectations.
Reporterre | 14-Apr-2016
Threats against environmental directives, legal arbitration against States, the growth of trade generating CO2… while discussions between the United States and the European Union continue, the author of this article demonstrates that this treaty is incompatible with the Paris Agreement on Climate.
Moscow Times | 14-Apr-2016
Russian space agency Roscosmos has won a court action in France concerning $700 million in payments owed to the company, which were seized by French authorities.
Sputnik | 14-Apr-2016
L’agence spatiale russe Roskosmos a gagné le procès en France dans l’affaire de la saisie des comptes de la société d’Etat dans le cadre de l’affaire Ioukos.
Amigos de la Tierra | 13-Apr-2016
Por medio de documentos publicados recientemente por el gobierno colombiano se develó la intención de tres empresas mineras de demandar al país por un monto que podría alcanzar los 16.500 millones de dólares.
Leaders | 13-Apr-2016
L’Accord de libre-échange complet et approfondi (ALECA) serait-il ce pacte qui nous obligerait dans quelques années à accepter plus de concession au profit de la machine européenne.
Politico | 13-Apr-2016
France has seized $700 million in Russian state assets at the initiative of former Yukos shareholders.